Thursday, November 12, 2009

*Rolls Eyes*

Sometimes I really think things are put in front of me STRICTLY because people want to see what I'm going to do with them. It was my sincere intention NOT to even watch the above videos when they where first brought to my attention on Twitter. Unfortunately, I was kinda hustled into watching  them anyway.

*Le sigh*

Who you think you gaming?
We dont believe you, you need more people.
This mess is dancing on that special nerve I save just for my mother.

As I have stated before, I don't dig religion. I am spiritual, I am a believer, but organized religion, um No Beuno. A cult is a cult. Just because your cult gets tax exempt status, that doesn't change what it is. The thing that probably bothers me the absolute most about the whole thing is the manner in which he is speaking. So matter-of-factly, as though its just a fact.I am so sick of talking about, thinking about, explaining my sexuality in relation to my relationship with God. I am so sick of being told (by people like me , no less) that I am less than a child of God, because my body isn't attracted to a man. I am so past being belittled in the name of the bible. The same bible that has been re-interpreted, misquoted, misread, chopped, AND screwed more times than a Mike Jones mixtape. I.AM.DONE. I hope that my annoyance and frustration is being conveyed through this post. How in the HELL does the one who has rocks thrown at him, become the thrower? Why is this mob mentality OK. Why is it so intense? Why can't there be enough sense in the room for us to see what's reality of whats going on?
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?? This is so horrible. This man is standing in a pulpit, at a church convention, in my hometown (yay, to Memphis for more BS) "preaching" lies and  hate.You know what, im getting too emotional doing this post. Im not even going to finish it....



sol chica said...

don't sweat it. dude is obviously gay and going through his journey, trying to make sure all the closet cases are as tortured as he is. nuts.

S.N.J said...

people going to say what they want. it is all these people that claim to be of the church but are quick to judge the next person. people use the bible to belittle in stead of help. i love who i love and that is all that matters. i love the lord and me and him talk all the time. he knows my heart just as he knows yours. the rest of the folks can kick rocks!


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