Sunday, November 1, 2009

Label Whores...

"If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies of me and eaten alive."-Audre Lorde

"Nobody built like me, I designed myself." -Jay-Z


Lesbian, Dyke, Homo, Bull-Dagger( thats my moms favorite). That's what I am to the straight world. Then there's Femme, Femme-Aggressive, Dominate Femme, Stem, Stud, and Soft Stud categories that I fall into on any given day depending on who i'm with or how i'm dressed. Im sure there's a  host of other labels that Im forgetting about here. And dont even get me started on the boys. That list could go on forever
For me, its not really that big of a ldeal to fit into a category, but for the world, if you cant be defined you can't be controlled and that's a problem. As a group of non-conformists, one would think that the LGBT community would recognize this and shy away form labeling ourselves. However, we have fallen right in step with the world.
Since the day I posted that I was single I have been getting these emails from people stating that they were a ____ year old, femme/stud/stud AG/stem/whatever, wondering if they might be my type and if we could connect. Firts of all, if you're "lurking" on my blog, I cant fool with you. This is a business. Period. Secondly, as I read these emails and noticed the patterns of how people were describing themselves, I thought how intersing it was that everyone felt the need to hang a tag over their head. Straight people don't introduce themselves that way. Have you ever had, or even heard of a dude stepping ot a female with this: 

"Hi im so-and-so, im a 29 year old medium build dude, brown skinned, and I wear locks in my hair to give the appearance that I'm taller and more enlightened than I really am."

Sidenote: If you really want to impress a mofo, introduce yourself by giving your full government name followed immediately by the number of children/baby mommas you have, tell what your 401K is looking like these days and give your FICO score.

For the sake of this post I'll drop myself in a box and wrap it up in a cute little bow for ya'll. I am GROWN. I like strong women (well one strong women in particular, but we've been over THAT enough already). I got a MEAN shoe game and a SICK purse fetish (wut up GOTTI). I may have on Creative Rec's in the daytime and Botega's at night. I have lots of tattoos and will be getting more soon. Oh yeah, and im a great big Lezzie. Does that help? No? Awwww, too bad then

Chances are, if you follow or lurk on my blog you're either Gay, Gay friendly, a member of my family, one of my "sisters", or a member of my "army." Its just that simple. I think its a pretty safe assumption that if you're emailing me on some "can we connect ish", then you're just gay. No need for the meaningless descriptions that just confuse me more. One more time, just so we can be clear from here on out: I LIKE WOMEN (insert disclaimer...again). I don't necessarily care how you dress or how you get down in bed or any of that. I do care that you are comfortable enough in who you are to know that those silly little titles don't really mean anything. Some of you excluded yourself from the pool of applicants without even knowing it.

Ok thats all...

*Le Twinkle*


Anonymous said...

I admit. I lurk in the shadows of your page every once in awhile. Are you still single? I hope you can move pass your situation and find someone that's on your level.

Dawn Diva said...

Loved that one chica!! I'll be starting my "Random Wednesday" blogs and I'd LOVE your input on one in particular that I have in mind!! I'll let you know!!


@DivaDish Thanks Chica! Let me know what you need.


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I could rant and rave about me all day. I am one of my favorite subjects. Soon I'll be one of yours too.
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