Friday, July 3, 2009

I have found some really interesting stuff over at, lately. Which is very interesting since that massive show of public buffonery and cooning they called the BET awards forced me to ban all of their niggotry from my home. Since I forgot to end my email subscriptions with them, these little pearls popped up on my Blackberry. I may continue allowing them based soley on the strength of the things I saw on their site today. But I am going to change my update settings. Since I find it highly unlikely that they will be overloading their site with meaningful information,and since I have no interest in the futher exploits of Tiny and Toya, or Drake and Lil Wayne, and since Queen Yance' (Beyonce) is on EVERY CHANNEL ON THE PLANET, well you get my point. I just don't need BET buzzing my blackberry every five minutes. However, here's what I found blogworthy:
For most people, their only exposure to the gay lifestyle is through the media or word of mouth. Unfortunately, this is how many rumors and stereotypes are spread. Check out some common misconceptions about gays and lesbians.

Being gay is just a phase. Thousands of gay men have sought therapy, "reverse gay counseling" and even heterosexual relationships to suppress their homosexual feelings.

Lesbian women recruit others into their lifestyle. This is not the military. There are plenty lesbians in the world already, so recruitment is not necessary.

All gay men will die of AIDS.

All lesbians hate men. Granted, even some straight women are sick of men, but this attitude is not a characteristic of all lesbians.

Gay men are all about sex. Here’s a news flash: Gay men are no more sexually active than heterosexuals.

All lesbians with short haircuts are masculine.

All gay men are feminine. The belief that all gay men desire to be women or are feminine is merely a generalization. The gay community is just as diverse as any other group.

Sex between two women is risk-free. Sexually transmitted infections can be passed between partners of any gender. It is therefore important to practice safe sex with whomever you sleep.

Someone made him gay. Studies have shown that being gay is not directly related to one's environment. Many mothers say they regret having been too close to their sons, believing that is what "made" them gay. The truth is, their relationship with their son had little or nothing at all to do with his sexual orientation. Research continues to explore the source of homosexuality, but blaming oneself or environment is not the answer. Besides, being gay is not a disease.

If a friend tells you that he/she is gay or lesbian, then she/he is coming on to you. Did you ever think that your friend just might want you to get to know him/her as a whole person?

Gays and lesbians are promiscuous. They are no more or less promiscuous than heterosexuals. Just like heterosexuals, gays and lesbians can have monogamous relationships, be celibate or have multiple partners.
This is just a snippet of the ignorance I have encountered in my Lesbian walk. It amazes me still, how people can associate things that have absolutely no relation to one another. I must say how impressed with BET I am for posting this. It does NOT, however, redeem them even 1/10 of a point. Anyways, think about it people.

1 comment:

Going Clean said...

LMAO @ "niggotry"...this is the most appropriate term for this so called Black Entertainment Television....



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