Sunday, June 28, 2009


Current TV ( my new favorite station), has been running some really great shows in honor of June being Gay Pride Month. There was one documentary about the "Boi's." There are these women who basically live their lives as men. They look like men, walk and talk like men, of course they dress like men. Thats's not the interesting part, though. The real trip (to me) is how far they are willing to go to perpetuate the stereotype. Now let me say this. This is my blog so everything I say here is my opinion. These are my perspectives. So, I am probably going to offend someone when I say certain things. Now that that's out of the way, here's what I think. I did a blog a while ago about the great divide between the two factions. The caucasion vs. the non white glbt community. Watching that documetary brought it all back to me again. The "boi's" on the documentary were expressing how they felt about their bodies and how it (it being their feminine forms) made life significantly more difficult than it had to be. Most of the women in the show had either had top surgery (cosmetic surgery to remove the breasts), were on "T" (testoterone shots), or a combination of both.
Now I know a lot of Boi's. Generally, every stud I know falls in this category. I do not know anyone, however, that is even remotely considering the possibility of top surgery, or even knows what a testerone shot is all about. I don't even think I know anybody who has ever taped down their boobs or even considered it for that matter.
The more I think about it, the more I start to believe that the great divide is really real. It is a great divide. I asked someone very close to me (a stud) if they would ever consider going forward with either of the options that I saw on that documentary. Her answer was, of course, a flat out NO.
People of color often make fun of just how different the other persuasion really is. As open minded as I am, i'm starting to believe the hype. Being a person of color, moreover, a lesbian of color with friends who are not black, I feel like I have been exposed to so many other things that I would never have even heard of had I just stayed within my community. What's interesting to note is the fact that, with all my open minded-ness and rainbow coalition of friends, I still believe just as my community believes. A lot of the things that non blacks in the family will partake in for the perpetuation of a stereotype are utterly ridiculous and most of us of color wouldn't even give a passing thought. I can' t even fathom a circumstance existing that would make me or any person of color spend upwards of $10,000 cutting off their breasts when there are perfectly good extra small sports bras at Target for less than ten bucks. I would like to have some insight into the mindset that goes along with pumping your body full of a male horman for he sake of having facial hair. I just don't get it. I want to, but I don't. If anyone can help me understand this, please get at me. Cuz I was totally and completely lost after I watched that documentary! Any and all input is welcomed here and GREATLY appreciated. Cuz ya girl is lost. For real.


des said...

Well twin.............ummm I use to tape down my breast, but that is because those fuckers were to big for my size and age. I used to think I wanted a penis, but only if I can knock something up. It doesn't make sense to me either. Why would a "lesbian" want to live as a "heterosexual man" without the benefits or a "gay man" want to live as a heterosexual woman? Basically isn't that what you're doing? Changing from man to woman and woman to man? I have spoken to some gay men who also have no desire to "change". I don't have a problem with it, hell don't think I care. Always wondered though. Being the fact my mother was one of these people. Hell ya'll find out lemme know!!!

Kattie said...

I can’t speak from the mind of a transsexual but I have come in close contact with a girl that truly felt she was in the wrong body and she had to get out. Everything about her felt wrong to her; down to her sex organs feeling foreign. She said to me,"Kattie, if I could just switch bodies without killing my parents, I will do it in a heart beat. I too never came in contact with someone like her before some years ago but I felt after being around her that it would be fitting for her to simply change. Before her, I couldn't fathom someone making that decision but through her eyes, her struggle, her angst- I saw her need to be the person she felt she needed to be-a man.


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