Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Locked and Loaded... Returns Again

I have noticed that a particular blog that I follow, even though the owner doesn't particularly care for me, has started doing something VERY similar to my locked and loaded posts. I don't mind really, but ya'll know who started this foolishness. Anyway, I know ya'll love them and I miss doing them. So here goes:

I will be having some type of party on March 2nd 2010. Something big. I desearve it.

Never trust a big butt and a smile

A sounthern accent in North Cali will get you almost anything.

Sometimes love comes around, and it knocks you down. But I fight back.

They sell Verve Clicqot in Target out here. For $40. Ya'll know i'm in trouble, right?

Cali is good to me. Just like I knew she would be....

Uh Huh....

*Shining Bright*  *Sip Sip*


You do the math... AKA: Today's WTF news...

I found this beauty over at another lgbt blog site that I love.  
This map was featured in the New York Times. It shows a map of states where its legal for gays to marry and a map where its legal for one to marry their first cousin. Notice anything? 

So, I can't marry the woman of my dreams, who i'm sure would NOT  be genetically related to me in any way. However, I CAN marry someone who is a close blood relative of mine, and run the risk of producing physically and/or mentally disabled, or even still born children? Umm, ok. 

But there's something wrong with me...?

I'm done

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Mustafa, hahahahahaha!" "Ooh say it again!" "Mustafa." "BWAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!"

It seems that I may have unintentionally (b*tch please) ruffled a few feathers with my last post. Im actually surprised at the number of emails I got about it, cuz I really was just playing around. The idea came to me when I was talking a friend about studs and stems and all that bullsh*t. It occurred to me that a lot of the things that have happened to myself, happened in an almost identical manner to at least two of my friends. With studs of course. I thought it  was kinda funny. Some of my stud buddys, not so much. Anyway, I wrote it quick, but from the heart. I do think that studs are some sneakiest little bastards alive and a large number of them are too dumb to know a good thing if it smacked them upside the damn head. I'm the marriage type and  it has been my experience that faithfulness and/or long lasting commitment are just NOT a studs stong points. But hey, new p*ssy used to fascinate me too, when I was like ummm  19.  Whatever. 
Here me loud and clear: This DOES NOT apply to all studs. Matter of fact, in Memphis, TN, there are some GREAT studs. Hardworking, real, honest, and into relationships. I just choose to make them friends instead of lovers, like a dummy. But I digress. 

In the interest of fairness, I have created the "Good Doggie" list. This list will contain those studs who are nice looking, great catches, just overall good "guys" that stupid femmes (yes I am acknowledging that there are plenty of dumb a*s femmes out there messing it up for the rest of us) keep effing over. These "Good Doggies" can usually be found hanging out with at least one of those other hyena assholes. Keep your eyes open girls. Birds of a feather DO NOT always flock together. Trust. 

Now, I am not a hypocrite nor am I narrow-minded. I know this ish goes both ways. However, as a femme, who was at one time in my life 100%certain of the type of woman I would end up with (long haired, thick, red-bone, and STUDDED OUT THE DAMN FRAME *wipes sweat*), I have to speak from my own perspective. 

The truth of the matter is this:

1. If you were offended, even slightly, then I probably hit a nerve. Do I give a damn.........*crickets*  Its my blog, I pay for it, I say what the hell I want. And  you will STILL love me. 
2. Stud (ism) is a state of mind. Not a dress code. If you're not as masculine when you're naked as you are with that damn fitted on, then you're just as fish *snaps* as I am.

To my Femme Chica's, shoot me an email if you want to know how to tell which one is the hyena and which one is the good dog. You have to have a trained eye cuz they run in the same pack and if you'e not careful you'll end up chasing  in love with the damn hyena. Even if you're lucky enough to catch her, its only temporary. 

Broaden you're horizons ladies. Dream big in the lesbian life. Just like straight folks. Don't just look for the "it" girl. There are some quiet kings out there that will give you the world on a string if given the opportunity.  A woman like me has Congress-woman wishes, and Damier dreams (thats Louis Vuitton, in case you didn't know). F*ck a dog. Literally... 

you know what's next

See ya on capitol hill



Monday, December 21, 2009

A Little Observation....

Studs are some of the sneakiest, conniving, dumb little bitches ever to walk the face of Gods green earth. And I bet i'm not the only person who thinks this way. Men may be dogs, but studs are f*cking hyena's. Laughing all loud, always up to some creepy sneaky sh*t,  and always thinking everyone else is stupid. Studs are like a lower class, bottom feeding breed of man. 

Luckily, I dont have to put up with that ish anymore. 


Friday, December 18, 2009

Jeff tells it like it under 10 minuites.

Jeff Johnson, political commentator, writer, and all around brother with some sense, spoke on the Tom Joyner Morning Show yesterday. It only took him 6 minutes to speak the flat out truth about homophobia in the black community  He explains how as African Americans we will make deals with those who have made it plain and clear thay they hate us. All for the sake of dehumanizing another group. Black folk will go along with anything just to be given the brief "blessing" of sitting at massa's table. Even if it's just for a moment.Click the link folks. Listen carefully. It only takes a second to tell the truth.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Houston elected its first Gay Mayor. I am shocked, yet very excited. I do have the same worry for her as I do for President Obama, though. If Parker is not HUGELY successful, she will be viewed as a HUGE failure. It will all be dumped on the fact that she is a lesbian. And it will take another hundred years for people to stop caring about sleeping arrangements long enough to vote another LGBT candidate in that office, even if they do happen to be the best person for the job. I applaud Houston, however. Bravo. 

You could learn a lot from a homewreker, in the right outfit.


#5 Ms. Sleeze Keys reminds me that even world class, amazingly talented, stunningly beautiful celebs get into hoe-sh*t every now and then. Of the 50-11 million SINGLE men and women (please believe that Ms. Keys gets down) that would die for this chic, she picks Swizz Beats ugly, big-nosed, MARRIED a*s. 

#4 The lyrics are super honest and real. She's saying something positive but it doesn't sound like EVERY OTHER heartbreak song

#3 Her makeup is BANGING

#2 That purple bodysuit

#1 The rear view of her in the above mentioned purple bodysuit is doing something to my spirit.


Saturday, December 12, 2009


Big lezzie question of the night: Am I the only person who has noticed how, when a women straps up for the first time, she turns into a new person? Is it just me or does it seem like something totally crazy(but totally sexy) takes over for a while? Tell me I'm not crazy.Well, I mean, I KNOW i'm crazy, but you know what I saying. I've been meaning to ask this one for a while so there...


In this, the age of instant messaging, screen shots, and the omni-present goliath that is Google, why in the hell do these idiots get on national television back peddling and lying like they do? Especially on the Rachel Maddow show! That heffa makes me want to tell her about ALL the candy I stole as a child. I look at her and feel like calling my momma and admitting that I purposely slammed my brothers head in the door that time cuz I know she got video footage to prove it anyway. Rick Warren, you're a effing genius. You dumb mo-mo's that follow and believe in him, please contact me immediately at cuz I have a nice bridge in San Francisco for sale. Matter of fact, I have two, one is a little older and has a big ass tiny little crack in it, but i'll let it go for cheap. I'll hold it for you and I even take personal checks. 

Dumb Bastards

*rubs temples*

*STAR* Lawd...have...mercy

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Part of the List...AKA: The gospel according to Twitter

This showed up on my twitter today:
"Remember when it was you and me against...the odds... the world? We used to dream about this day, now its here...and you are not". -@mylesbianbff-

How appropriate.

One of the most accurate jokes I have ever heard is this: Question: "what does a lesbian bring on a second date?" Answer: "a uhaul."

We get attached so fast that it'll make you dizzy. Hell, it makes me dizzy. But the truth of the matter is that I don't give a damn if I keep getting dizzy. I WILL NEVER STOP TRYING. I will not wake up one day near the end of my life and say, "damn, I missed out on my true love." Or, "how did I let THAT one get away from me?"
I have been kicked in the ass by love two good times (well this last time was more like being punched in the mouth by a young Mike Tyson), but I pulled myself back together, put my big girl panties on, and opened up to the possibility again. Too many times have a seen some young, heartbroken, lesbian, so torn by the misuse of her heart by her lover, turn to ho-shit and games as a defense mechanism. Umm, no bueno. Women love men strong enough to let them run all over town effing other b*tches and more. So you know where there TWO women involved, there are more emotions than ever. But I refused to stop there. And i'm glad I did.
So to all my beloved heartbroken lezzies out there, listen up. Life is too short. Women out number men in this country 3 to one. If your heart has been broken and you don't think there's another woman out there for you. TRUST ME when I say: BULLSHIT. You just gotta learn to look in unconventional places. She may not be the girl at your hospital bedside, she may not be the girl who once stood by you through thick and thin, she might not look like you think she will, but she is right there waiting on her opportunity. Don't be afraid to get attached again. Learn from the mistakes though, or you are certainly doomed to repeat them. Don't miss your blessing....

*That Damn Star*

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Go back 2 what you know.

As I'm sure you all have noticed I haven't posted in a minute. I'm just getting settled in the bay and am truly loving it. Because of the stress of moving I haven't really had the time or desire to write about the foolishness of others. Hanging with my girl Mo in Oakland re-inspired me, however. Right this moment we are at a "erotic poetry"set. No one is doing poetry. There is, however, one chick "singing" Erykah Bada. BADLY. Therefore, I realize there is a need for what I do. So people, Sistahstar is gonna have to make a comeback. Clearly, some folks think its safe to act ignant (yes, ignant) in public. No Ma'am. I'm back again bitches.

Watch out heffa's


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I could rant and rave about me all day. I am one of my favorite subjects. Soon I'll be one of yours too.
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