Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Part of the List...AKA: The gospel according to Twitter

This showed up on my twitter today:
"Remember when it was you and me against...the odds... the world? We used to dream about this day, now its here...and you are not". -@mylesbianbff-

How appropriate.

One of the most accurate jokes I have ever heard is this: Question: "what does a lesbian bring on a second date?" Answer: "a uhaul."

We get attached so fast that it'll make you dizzy. Hell, it makes me dizzy. But the truth of the matter is that I don't give a damn if I keep getting dizzy. I WILL NEVER STOP TRYING. I will not wake up one day near the end of my life and say, "damn, I missed out on my true love." Or, "how did I let THAT one get away from me?"
I have been kicked in the ass by love two good times (well this last time was more like being punched in the mouth by a young Mike Tyson), but I pulled myself back together, put my big girl panties on, and opened up to the possibility again. Too many times have a seen some young, heartbroken, lesbian, so torn by the misuse of her heart by her lover, turn to ho-shit and games as a defense mechanism. Umm, no bueno. Women love men strong enough to let them run all over town effing other b*tches and more. So you know where there TWO women involved, there are more emotions than ever. But I refused to stop there. And i'm glad I did.
So to all my beloved heartbroken lezzies out there, listen up. Life is too short. Women out number men in this country 3 to one. If your heart has been broken and you don't think there's another woman out there for you. TRUST ME when I say: BULLSHIT. You just gotta learn to look in unconventional places. She may not be the girl at your hospital bedside, she may not be the girl who once stood by you through thick and thin, she might not look like you think she will, but she is right there waiting on her opportunity. Don't be afraid to get attached again. Learn from the mistakes though, or you are certainly doomed to repeat them. Don't miss your blessing....

*That Damn Star*

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