Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What they really want....

If she's a stud she wants:

a girl who doesn't talk much. Looks like a combo of Amer Rose, Toya Carter, and Alicia Keys. A chick who cooks like Bobby Flay, and cleans the floors on her hands and knees. She can't have too much game of her own and not  alot of hustle. MUST have a GREAT job, plenty money in  the bank and the amazing ability to always get some more. Needs to have some street in her, but never use it because that implies that she's a hustler, and as previously stated, thats a no-no.Oh, and she doesn't need to know a lot of people outside of the friends that they share together. Intelligence is cool, but smart will do. Just so long as she's not a dumbass, but she aint gotta talk much anyway. And she must, without a doubt, be the worlds greatest freak in bed. This is non-negotiable.

If she's a stem/soft stud/femme aggressive she wants:

A pretty girl. With connections. Drive and a good hustlers spirit are required. Intelligence is a MUST because she has to move in some pretty big time circles and the stem/soft stud/ femme aggressive can not be embaresed. Hopefully she's organized because the stem/soft stud/femme aggressive  is not. She's stuck in two worlds so her girlfriend MUST also work as her personal assistant/organizer/accountant etc. But for this she will be rewarded with all the things that make her happy. Like expensive shoes and purses. Girl must also, of course, be a world class freak in bed... GO figure.

If she's a Femme she wants: 

The two idiots above.... 




Anonymous said...

So I'm a stem...go figure.


Hayzes Mic said...

Soft stud/aggressive... that is sooo true... but damn if the stud wants the woman to have all of that, WTF is the stud bringing to the table? shit! Most of the damn studs I know don't have jobs. That truth is like a damn disease in the black gay community. So if a woman will lay down and allow them to walk on their backs, then what you get is what you get... Raise your standards ladies. Sheesh @@


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